Infection-control Practices after Chemotherapy Treatment
Infections can lead to a serious complication for the patients undergoing cancer treatment plans with its extensive consequence of neutropenia, moreover, they are the most common cause of death that can be prevented (Thom et al., 2013). Preventions related to the infection are dependent on the treatment of neutropenia or different immunological deficiencies (immunoglobulins administration, colony-stimulating factors, and reduced-dose chemotherapy patterns), infection control (control and infection prevention processes), pre-emptive antimicrobials and prophylaxis (antiviral, antifungal, antibacterial) (Chopra et al., 2010). Measures for infection-control which are formulated to avoid the transfer of infectious pathogens to the patients from environmental, human or any other sources are appeared to be least combative (Eskander et al., 2013).